Sunday, 25 April 2010

Weapons of Mass Destruction...

Yes, it is Sunday evening already but hopefully my weekly blurb will help ease the pain!

Well, if you're sitting comfortably then I'll begin....

A rather stop-start due to work commitments has actually proved to be a real breakthrough week.

A couple of nice rides on Monday & Tuesday were followed by three days of speed walking around London, carrying the worlds heaviest laptop and basically busting up with shoulders and back.

However, it was to great to catch up with some good friends and share our excitement about the forthcoming trip to France and all the important stuff like what kit are we all going to wear?!

For those who I hven't already told (there can't be many of you left!), a small group of friends are traveling over to France for 10 days in mid-June, to tour the Pyrenees and Alps. My friends have putting together an incredible itinerary for us, including 15 of the biggest cols France has to offer.

It really is going to be a dream come true for me, and is certainly my number one focus for the forthcoming months.

So, now knowing what the goal is, how has my training for such a challenge changed?

Well obviously the bike is the priority. Swimming will be active recovery, and running will focus on technique development.

Getting back on the bike after such a heavy run focus has proved easier than I thought it might be.

All of the tough winter running, especially the huge trial runs seem to have developed a lot of functional leg strength. By functional, I mean that my glutes and quads are now performing as they should do, leaving the hamstrings to focus on what they are good at and not having to do all the work on their own, as was the case.

My new found glutes and quads are making a huge difference to my cycling strength and power. Its safe to say that I have never ridden as powerfully as I currently am.

As I now ride with a power meter I can see the watts I'm putting out both during and post-ride so this is not wishful thinking, it is fact.

Numbers are great but what does this look like on the road. Well, my friends, it looks like me dropping my mate on the toughest local climb for the first time ever.

The climb is a beast, lasting about 2kms, starting at 7%, rising to 25% before "easing off" to 11%.

The best I've previously ridden this climb was my first time, when ignorance was bliss and I ground my way up stuck in the big ring. I've since always struggled, getting distracted by the watts, cadence, HR etc and never riding it well.

On Saturday, I promised myself that I wouldn't look at the numbers during the climb and to focus on riding it "blind".

As the climb kicked up I started to pull away from my mate and my legs felt great. I was riding at nice beat and whilst my legs were hurting, it was a nice pain. A combination of seating and standing worked really well and although the heart rate was super high and my chest was burning I felt like I could carry on "pouring" on the power!

As the climb eased back to the mere 11%, I did begin to struggle slightly but this was more because I knew the worst was over and I sublimely eased off and then struggled to get going again.

At the top of the climb my mate informed me that I had put 100 metres into him at one point and looked really good from behind with a very still upper body.

This climb was only 1 hour into our 4 hour ride and there were plenty more climbs to come so I wanted to see if I had peaked to soon. My chest was really burning and I had a painful cough. The climb had clearly opened up my lungs and all sorts of junk was now pouring out.

I thought this would be a perfect time to try out my new secret weapon....the Biestmilch Booster!

Biestmilch are a German-based company who specialize in the use of colostrum, the natural source of protein. Colostrum, as I've talked about previously, is an incredible product and one which I have been fascinated by for a while.

The studies which have proved its benefits to the immune system and subsequent performance are numerous and undeniable.

Biestmilch are world leaders in the creation of colostrum-based products working with top triathletes including Chris McCormack and Yvonne Van Vlerken.

I've recently begun using their daily chewy tablets as my source of colostrum. I need to ensure my immune system is in top condition and whilst I'm pleased with my diet, the results I've seen others have when using colostrum have convinced me to add this to my daily regime.

For note, I also take a multi-vitamin plus chlorella and fish oils on a daily basis.

Another product Biestmilch produce is the Booster. A combination of colostrum and guarana the purpose of the Booster is, as the name suggests, to give you a boost.

When I was recently over in Germany, meeting with the Biestmilch team, several athletes were raving about the Boosters so I decided to give them a try. The guys did warn me to use these selectively as they are really strong and shouldn't be taken too late in the day.

Note: I tell you more about my trip to meet the Biestmilch team later in the week.

Now I usually stay away from so-called energy drinks as I feel they are just junk and are not good for the body so I wasn't too sure about the Booster at this stage.

However, knowing Saturdays ride was going to be a beast with over 1k of climbing, I thought I would take one along and see whether it would handle the worst the Cotswolds has to offer.

So, after the first major climb and some more lumps I decided to take the Booster. This was 90 minutes into the ride and there was some fatigue starting to build up in the legs.

To be honest I never felt like I had received an energy boost, in a caffeine sort of way (which is a good thing in my opinion), but boy did I ever climb well.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I can't recall ever climbing so well in my life.

Believe me, there were plenty of decent climbs, including another 25% beast and on every climb I dropped my mate.

Now, please understand, my mate usually drops me like a rock on any sign of a lump so for me to ride away from him on every climb was almost surreal.

A combination of a nice pedaling beat, legs feeling really strong, a new found willingness to enjoy the pain and what felt like a bottomless tank of energy all combined to make me feel like the Andy Schleck of the Cotswolds!

So based on my extensive scientific research I am pronouncing the Biestmilch Booster a resounding success!

For now on, the Booster will take its place alongside my constant companions of a Clif Bar and Clif Blok Shots on all of my long rides.

A really great addition to the nutrition portfolio which will work well with the Clif Bar (solid), Clif Blok Shots (solid gel) and Infinit sports drink (liquid).

Hey, if don't want to take my word for it, just ask my mate!

Todays ride was always going to be an anti-climax but it did in fact turn out to be a great tempo ride. A bit of friendly banter saw my put out 838 watts at one point when taking on the sprint premiums, further testament to this new found power.

So, in summary, a nice weeks work. 9 hours riding with some great outputs.

With a big week ahead of me, culminating in a tough 83km sportive on Sunday, I'm feeling really positive and loving my cycling. A may even venture back into the pool this week...

Don't get me wrong, I'm still nervous as hell about those French cols....did I not mention my lack of descending skills?!

Ciao for now comprades!
